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Carbon Cycle: All living organisms produce and made of some amounts carbon. Carbon is intertwined with almost everything that we see or touch on a daily basis. From organic waste to fumes and gasses produced by factories, all of these have some kind of CO2 production. As seen on the picture on the right.
Natural Cycles

Water Cycle: During the water cycle, water that evaporates and condensates purifies the water from contaminates and impurities. Then
delivers the pure water to the surface
below through precipitation. The
way it collects impurities is by the
surface runoff cleaning the
slopes, streams, or rivers. Water
from the groundwater pockets
are for the most part pure, there
could be some chemicals from farming
properties or naturally occurring.

Nitrogen Cycle: During the first step, special bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia which is used by plants. The second step involves converting ammonia into nitrite ions that are taken by plants as nutrients. The next step is which decomposing bacteria covert waste products into simple compounds. The last step is when bacteria convert the simple nitrogen compounds back into nitrogen gas.
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