The type of Forester I wish to become is one who is part of the park and recreation management along with the trail inspection or maintenance aspect. That way I can be social when I like, but also work alone on different projects. Although working outside is one of my dreams, it can also be a nuisance with extremely hot, cold, dry or wet weather. At least it’s better than sitting in an office chair for hours on end.
With my grandparents owning a part of forest property, every time I visit, I go down there to get away from reality or help clean the trails up. This is why I want to pursue this kind of career path. An OHV (Off Highway Vehicle) trail worker or a volunteer would be really cool as well, because I love to ride four-wheelers and motor cycles.
Forester Education & Employment
For one to become an effective Forester one must have at least one or more Bachelor’s degree in one or more of these subjects.→
-Park and recreation management
-Environmental studies
Environmental science
Environmental management
Wildlife and Forestry
Wildlife management
Police science/criminal justice
Natural resources management
Biological sciences
Fisheries and wildlife law enforcement
Along with the Bachelor’s 24+ credit hours in one or more of these fields. To make one a more desirable candidate.↓
Natural Resource Management
Natural Sciences
Earth Sciences
-Park and Recreation Management
Law Enforcement/Police Science
Social Sciences
Museum Sciences
Business Administration
Public Administration
-Behavioral Science